Sunday, October 10, 2010

Loving God and Loving People

We had the great opportunity to bless a lady from church yesterday, who lives in a trailer that needed some TLC.  It was a great day to see 20+ adults and youth come and serve this sweet woman.  I was truly astonished the change a little paint can make, but the joy in the hearts of those that served is far more amazing.

After :)
It puts a smile on my face when I see teens and young adults want to serve others!


Alison Agnew said...

I so love to see the hands of Jesus at work! Well done on that lovely painted trailer. I'm sure that your efforts were greatly appreciated.

Now a follower from the Weekly Wrap-Up!


Stuff and Nonsense

Alison Agnew said...

Just letting you know that I've given you a blog award...
